The reviewer receives an invitation from the Editorial Board of the journal to review the article by e-mail. The invitation contains the terms of the review, the article itself in pdf format for reviewing without authors and their affiliations, a link to recommendations for reviewing and a sample review form.
If the reviewer agrees to review the article, then he must fill out a review form, which presents the criteria for reviewing, as well as a field for comments.
If the appointed reviewer has a conflict of interest that may affect the process of reviewing an article, then he must refuse to review it, notifying the Editorial Board of the journal.
The assessment for each of the criteria is carried out on a five-point scale from 1 to 5, where 5 is the highest mark using the X symbol. You can download a sample review at the end of this manual.
The criteria by which the article is assessed are as follows:
- State of the art research
- Conformity of the content to the subject of the journal
- Novelty and originality of the results
- Presentation style and structure
- Scientific and practical significance
- Correspondence of the title of the article to its content
- Design and technical presentation
- Adequacy of annotations, keywords, sufficiency of the bibliography
- Adequacy and validity of conclusions
Further, after assigning an assessment to each criterion, the reviewer must make one of the decisions:
- Accept the article without changes
- Minor tweaking required
- Significant revision required with re-review
- Reject article
If the decision of the reviewer on the article is different from “Accept the article without changes“, then filling in the field for comments in the form of the review form is required.
In the review form, the reviewer must also indicate the title of the peer-reviewed article, place of work and position, and the date of the review. The number of the article in the review form is set by the editorial board of the journal. The reviewer then puts his signature with a decryption of his surname.
Further, the reviewer sends a completed review form to the editorial office by e-mail or through a special form on the journal’s website, to which he can attach, if desired, additional files on the review of the article. The editors will notify the reviewer that his review has been accepted.
Articles are rejected:
- not of a scientific or educational nature,
- anti-scientific in nature, the reading of which is difficult or impossible due to errors in the text and / or inconsistency of its elements,
- the publication of which may lead to a violation of the current legislation of the Russian Federation or copyright and / or related rights,
- containing statements, judgments or conclusions that are not supported by either the authors’ own research or links to external sources,
- prepared in violation of the norms of scientific ethics.