General requirements
1. Manuscripts of materials for publication are prepared in the LaTeX package format for this you can use the Overleaf system. An example of design and a style file can be viewed and Downloaded here.
Note. If you can’t download from a direct link due to your browser’s security settings, you can right-click on the link and select “Save link as…”.
File encoding is utf8. It should be noted that the title of the article must begin with the surname of the first author in the Latin alphabet, for example, Ivanov.tex, Ivanov.pdf.
2. The structure of the article should include: the title of the article, the full name of the authors, the name of the institution where the work was done, abstract (summary), keywords, as well as the indexes of the article MSC or PACS, information on the financial support of the article (optional). ORCID must be specified – a prerequisite for publication. This is followed by the substantive part of the work, at the end of which there is a conclusion, information on the disclosure of a conflict of interest, gratitude (optional) and a list of references.
3. Tables should contain only the necessary data and represent generalized and statistically processed materials. Each table is provided with a heading and inserted in the text after the paragraph with the first link to it. Tables are numbered if their number is more than one.
4. Figures and diagrams must be made only in vector editors and exported to EPS format. Photos or screenshots must be submitted in PNG raster format. JPEG format is prohibited! Recommended sizes of drawings: 60×150, 60×70 mm. They can be either color or black and white. If possible, both options can be provided. Black and white version for the printed version, and color for the electronic version. Each drawing must have a caption that explains all its elements. Drawings are provided in separate files in the following formats: png, eps. Figures must be named after the surname of the first author, for example, Ivanov1.eps. Each drawing must have a caption that explains all of its elements. Figures are provided in separate files in the formats: png, eps. Figures must be named by the surname of the first author, for example, Ivanov1.eps. Figures are numbered if their number is more than one.
5. Bibliographic references in the text of the article should be given using the tex-command \cite{link} in accordance with their mention in the text. The bibliographic list is compiled in the course of mentioning the literature in the text. The authors compile a bibliographic list based on their own ideas about the need for appropriate links, but it is not recommended to include unpublished materials, links to electronic resources and abstracts.
6. Authors upload the article along with scanned documents through a special form on the journal’s website in the Send manuscript column:
a) tex file of the manuscript, files of drawings, author’s version of the pdf file of the manuscript;
b) information about the authors;
c) a scanned copy of the covering letter signed by the head of the institution or the authors of the article, which contains information about the publication of the article in the public domain and about the documents sent by the author (where and for what purpose);
Rules for writing a cover letter. A cover letter for a scientific article is drawn up on the letterhead of the institution where the work was carried out, signed by the head of the institution.
If the covering letter is not on the institution’s letterhead and is not signed by the head of the institution, it must be signed by all authors of the scientific article.
The covering letter must (!) contain the following text:
By this letter we guarantee that the publication of a scientific article in the journal Bulletin KRASEC. Physical and Mathematical Sciences does not violate anyone’s copyright. The author (authors) transfers for an unlimited period to the founder of the journal non-exclusive rights to use the scientific article by posting full-text online versions of the issues on the journal’s website. The author (authors) is responsible for the unlawful use of intellectual property objects and copyright objects in a scientific article in full in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The author (authors) confirms that the submitted article has not been published anywhere before and has not been submitted to other scientific publications.
We also certify that the author (authors) agree with the rules for preparing the manuscript for publication, approved by the editors of the journal Bulletin KRASEC. Physical and Mathematical Sciences, published and posted on the official website of the journal.
The cover letter must also indicate the reason why the article should be published in the journal Bulletin KRASEC. Physical and Mathematical Sciences, the relevance of the research topic and its correspondence with the subject of the journal are revealed.
7. After the list of references, it is necessary to indicate information about the authors: full name, academic degrees and titles, place of work and position, ORCID and a high quality photo of each author.
8. The editors reserve the right to shorten and edit articles.
9. The editors may reject an article if it is not prepared according to the journal’s rules or the necessary accompanying documents are not provided – an expert opinion on the possibility of publication, information about the authors, etc.
10. The editorial board, within 3 weeks, carries out an initial check of the article manuscript for its compliance with these Rules and sends it for review.