Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki. 2022. vol. 38. no. 1. pp. 166–185. ISSN 2079-6641
MSC 8605
Research Article
Assessment of efficiency of decontamination of oil and gas industry drilling wastes by chemical treatment of sludge samples with solutions of acids and alkalis
A. V. Shumilo¹, G. M. Yessilkanov², G. A. Yakovlev³
¹Tomsk Polytechnic University, 634050, 30 Lenina ave., Tomsk, Russia
²Branch «Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology» of RSE «NNC RK», 071100, Kurchatov, st. Beybit atom, 2, Kazakhstan
³Tomsk State University, 634050, 36 Lenina ave., Tomsk, Russia
Currently, a serious potential danger for geosystems of oil fields and the population of territories of settlements of oil and gas production is represented by wastes associated with drilling of oil and gas wells. The greatest part of the drilling cuttings has a mineral origin, and frequently can be radioactive, having in its structure the natural radionuclides which concentrations can reach the levels of RW. This work is experimental in its application and calculation of the effectiveness of methods of chemical decontamination of drill cuttings by acid and alkaline solutions. The results obtained on the basis of the experiment indicate satisfactory effectiveness of such methods for decontamination of mineral materials and are of particular interest in such fields of science as radiation geophysics, geochemistry and radioecology.
Key words: natural radionuclides, drilling wastes, radiation control, sludge deactivation, gamma spectrometry, effective specific activity, radiation safety, oil and gas industry.
DOI: 10.26117/2079-6641-2022-38-1-166-185
Original article submitted: 04.04.2022
Revision submitted: 22.04.2022
For citation. Shumilo A. V., Yessilkanov G. M., Yakovlev G. A. Assessment of efficiency of decontamination of oil and gas industry drilling wastes by chemical treatment of sludge samples with solutions of acids and alkalis. Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-mat. nauki. 2022, 38: 1, 166-185. DOI: 10.26117/2079-6641-2022-38-1-166-185
Competing interests. The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest regarding authorship and publication.
Contribution and Responsibility. All authors contributed to this article. Authors are solely responsible for providing the final version of the article in print. The final version of the manuscript was approved by all authors.
The content is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (
© Shumilo A. V., Yessilkanov G. M., Yakovlev G. A., 2022
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Shumilo Artem Vasilyevich – Master’s student at the Nuclear-Fuel Cycle Department School of Nuclear Science & Engineering of the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia, ORCID 0000-0002-1045-5004.
Yessilkanov Gani Mukhtarovich – Engineer at Elemental Analysis Laboratory, Analytical Research Department, Branch of «Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology, RSE NNC RK, Kurchatov, Kazakhstan
Yakovlev Grigorii Alekseevich – student at Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia, ORCID 0000-0001-7842-5672.