Rules for authors

1. The structure of a manuscript should include the following: title in the English languages, initials and surnames of the authors, their affiliations, an abstract, keywords, MSC ( or PACS ( indexes of the paper, introduction, the aim of the research, the data and methods of the research, results of the research and discussion, conclusions and the list of references.

2. Tables should contain only the necessary data, generalized and statistically processed information. Each table should have a heading and be put into the text after a paragraph with the first reference to it.

3. Each figure should have a caption which explains all its elements. Figures are submitted in separate files in jpg, png or eps formats for the English versions separately.

4. References in the text should be in square brackets as they appear in the manuscript.

The recommended number of references for a scientific paper is not less than 10. It is preferable that 50% of them are the references to the papers from foreign journals and from other foreign sources.

When making a reference list, amsbid.sty package should be used. It is meant for processing of references in LaTeX publication system applying AMS-TeX commands. Application of these commands allows one to avoid explicit markup of a reference list (explicit display of different elements by various fonts, punctuation, brackets etc.) and inevitable change of files to prepare manuscripts for submission. It also allows one to make hyperlinks in references automatically.

The amsbib.sty package contains adapted reference design programs from the amsbyb.sty style sheet and some additional commands expanding opportunities of typesetting and simplifying the process of making hyperlinks. The style of reference formatting of amsbib.sty package corresponds to that accepted for the top journals of the Branch of Mathematical Sciences, RAS.

The amsbib package and its description may be downloaded on the site of «Math-Net.Ru»Russian Mathematical Portal or  here.

5. The maximum length of a manuscript should not exceed 20 pages and 40 pages for a review, A4 format. Manuscripts in tex format are accepted. If a manuscript is prepared in Latex publishing system, please, use the mfitjournal.cls. journal class. It may be downloaded from the .

6. The following information about the authors should be enclosed to the manuscript:
– Surname, name and patronymic name with transliteration. The name should be transliterated in the sytem of choosing the BGN standard. both in Russian and in English:
– Affiliation and address, position, academic degree, academic title, e-mail address for each author.
– ORCID identification code. A unique ORCID-identifier may be obtained on the site
– High quality pictures of each author in any of the formats: jpg, png, eps.

7. The Editorial Board reserves the right to abridge and to edit manuscripts.

8. A manuscript, signed by an author(s) is submitted by e-mail to the Senior Secretary The following documents should be enclosed:
– information about the authors;
– a scanned copy of a covering letter signed by the Head of an organization or the authors; it contains information on open access publication of the manuscript and on the documents which the author sends (where and with what purpose);
– a copy of an expert report on the letterhead paper signed by the Head of the organization with a stamp; it contains information that the manuscript may be published for public access and does not contain any secret data.

9. To cut the time for manuscript processing, authors may upload their manuscripts with document copies on the Journal page /journal.phtml?jrnid=vkam&option_lang=rus of portal, after having authorized. Guidelines for the covering letter The covering letter for a manuscript should be on the on the letterhead paper signed by the Head of the organization.

If the covering letter is not written on the letterhead paper signed by the Head of the organization, it should be signed by all the authors of the manuscript.

The covering letter should (!) contain the following text:

«By the present we ensure that publication of the scientific paper in the Journal «Bulletin of KRAESC. Physical & Mathematical Sciences» does not violate any copyright. The author(s) transfers to the Journal founder the non-exclusive rights to use the scientific paper for an identified period by publishing full-text versions of issues on the Journal Internet-site. The author(s) is responsible for the misuse of the items of intellectual property and of copyright in the paper according to the RF law in action.

The author(s) confirms that the submitted manuscript has not been published before, was not submitted and will not be submitted for other scientific publications.

We also confirm that the author(s) agrees with the requirements for preparation of a manuscript for publication accepted by the Editorial Board of the Journal «Bulletin of KRAESC. Physical & Mathematical Sciences» posted on its official site.»

Papers from Journals and Collections:
Crawford P.J. The reference librarian and the business professor: a strategic alliance that works. P.J. Crawford, T. P. Barrett. Ref. Libr. 1997. Vol. 3. No. 58. P. 75-85.

Text heading in a reference may contain the names of one, two or three authors of the document. It is not necessary to repeat the names of the authors, written in the heading, in the information on responsibility.

Crawford P.J., Barrett Т.P. The reference librarian and the business professor: a strategic alliance that works. Ref. Libr. 1997. Vol. 3. No. 58. P. 75-85.

Kornilov V.I. Turbulent boundary layer on an axially asymmetric body during periodic injection-exaustion. Termophysics and Aeromechanics. 2006. Vol. 13, No. 3. pp. 369-385.

Kuznetsov A.Yu. Consortium is a mechanism to organize the subscription for electronic resources. Russian Fund for Basic Research: ten years of serving the Russian science. Moscow: Nauchn. Mir, 2003. pp. 340-342.

Tarasova V.I. Political history of Latin America: textbook for institutes of higher education. 2nd ed.Moscow: Prospekt, 2006. pp. 305-412

It is admitted to change the prescribed sign of a dot and a dash, dividing the parts of bibliographic description, by a dot.

Philosophy of culture and philosophy of science: problems and hypotheses: interuniversity collection of scientific works. Saratov Stat Univ.; [Ed. S.F. Martynovich]. Saratov: Saratov Univ., 1999. 199 p.

It is admitted not to use square brackets for the information borrowed not from the prescribed source of information.

Raizberg B.A. Modern economy dictionary. B.A. Raizberg, L.B. Lozovskii, E.B. Starodubtseva. 5-th ed. Moscow:INFRA-M, 2006. 494 p.

The text title in a reference may contain the names of one, two or three authors of a document. Author names written in the title are not to be repeated in the information on responsibility. Thus:

Raizberg B.A., Lozovskii L.B., Starodubtseva E.B. Modern economy dictionary. 5-th ed., Moscow: INFRA-M, 2006. 494 p.

Dissertation Abstracts:
Glukhov V.A. Investigation, development and construction of the system for electronic document delivery in a library: Dissert. Abstr. of Cand. of Sci. (Tech.). Novosibirsk, 2000. 18 p.

Fenukhin V.I. Ethnopolitical conflicts in modern Russia: on the example of North-Kuakas region: Dissert. Of Cand. of Sci. (Tech.). Moscow, 2002. pp. 54-55.

Analytical Surveys:
Economy and politics of Russia and states of the near abroad: analyt. survey, Apr. 2007. Ros. Acad. Nauk, Inst. of World Econ. and Intern. Relations. Мoscow: IMEMO, 2007. 39 p.

Patent of RF No. 2000130511/28, 04.12.2000. Es’kov D.N., Bonshtedt B.E., Koreshov S.N., Lebedeva G.I., Seregin A.G. Electrooptical apparatus. RF Patent No. 2122745.1998. Bull. No. 33.

Conference Proceedings:

Archeology: history and perspectives: Proc. of the First Int. Conf. Yaroslavl’, 2003. 350 p.

Mar’inskikh D.M. Designing of a landscape plan as a necessary requirement for stable development of a city (on the example of Tumen’). Landscape ecology and land-use planning: theses of All-Russian Conf. (Irkutsk, 11-12 Sept. 2000). Novosibirsk, 2000. pp.125-128.

Internet-Based Resources:
Official periodicals: electronic guide. Rus.Nat.Library, Legal Information Center. [SPb.], 2007. URL: (request date: 18.01.2007).

Loginova L.G. Essence of the result of additional education of children. Education: investigated in the world: int. sci. educ. internet-journal. URL: 366 (request date: 17.04.07).

Novosibirsk training market: svoya igra [Electronic resource]. URL: .html (request date: 17.10.08).

Litchrord E.U. Wight army along the Siberia [Electronic resource]. Eastern front of the General Kolchak A.V. army: [site]. URL: (request date 23.08.2007).