2022. vol. 38. no. 1

Message from the Editorial Board 7
Kulikov A. N., Kulikov D. A. Invariant manifolds and the global attractor of the generalized nonlocal Ginzburg-Landau equation9
Kurbanov O. T. On a boundary value problem for an odd-order equation with multiple characteristics 28
Yuldashev T. K. On a nonlocal problem for impulsive differential equations with mixed maxima40
Galkin V. A., Gavrilenko T. V., Smorodinov A. D. Some aspects of approximation and interpolation of functions
artificial neural networks
Goryushkin A.P. Computer experiment in teaching mathematical disciplines74
Grushko Y. V. RAPID — A model of fast eye pupil registration and tracking by a modified metaheuristic differential evolution method based on the Verhulst-Pearl equation84
Okhapkina E.P., Meshcheryakov R. V., Iskhakova A. O., Iskhakov A. Y. On the issue of stability of the dynamic system of functioning of social network communities 106
Shadimetov Kh. M., Boltaev A. K., Parovik R. I. Construction of optimal interpolation formula exact for trigonometric functions by Sobolev’s method131
Romanenko E. V., Umarov M. A., Yakovlev G. A. Modeling of radionuclide intake in humans living in the area
affected by the Semipalatinsk test site
Shumilo A. V., Yessilkanov G. M., Yakovlev G. A. Assessment of efficiency of decontamination of oil and gas
industry drilling wastes by chemical treatment of sludge samples with solutions of acids and alkalis
To the 70th anniversary of B.M. Shevtsov 186
To the 35th anniversary of IKIR FEB RAS 188