Вестник КРАУНЦ. Физ.-мат. науки. 2019. Т. 26. № 1. C. 28-45. DOI: 10.26117/2079-6641-2019-26-1-28-45
DOI: 10.26117/2079-6641-2019-26-1-28-45
MSC 32A07, 432A10, 32A07
R. F. Shamoyan
Department of Mathematics, Bryansk State Technical University, Bryansk 241050, Russia
E-mail: rsham@mail.ru
We present some extensions of well-known one functional results on atomic decompositions in classical Bergman spaces obtained earlier by various authors in some new multifunctional Bergman type spaces in various domains in higher dimension.
Keywords: Bergman type spaces, analytic functions, decomposition theorems.
© Shamoyan R. F., 2019
УДК 517.55+517.33
Р. Ф. Шамоян
Брянский государственный технический университет, 241050, г. Брянск, Россия
E-mail: rsham@mail.ru
Мы приводим некоторые новые теоремы о декомпозиции аналитических функций из мультифункциональных пространств Бергмана, обобщающие ранее известные результаты подобного типа для обычных пространств Бергмана в различных областях.
Ключевые слова: аналитические функции, пространства Бергмана мультифункциональные пространства, теоремы декомпозиции.
© Шамоян Р. Ф., 2019
Список литературы/References
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Список литературы (ГОСТ)
- Coifman R., Rochderg R. Representation theorems for holomorphic and harmonic functions Lp // Asterisque. 1980. no. 77. pp. 11-66.
- Rochderg R., Semmes A decomposition theorem for BMO and applications // Jour. of Func. Analysis. 1986. no. 67. pp. 228-263.
- Luecking D. Representations and duality in weighted spaces of analytic functions // Indiana Univ. Math. Journal. 1985. vol. 34. no. 2. pp. 319-336.
- Li S., Shamoyan R. O nekotorykh rasshireniyakh teorema ob atomnykh razlozheniyakh prostranstv Bergmana i Blokha v yedinichnom share i svyazannykh s nimi zadachakh [On some extensions of theorems on atomic decompositions of Bergman and Bloch spaces in the unit ball and related problems] // Zhurnal ellipticheskikh uravneniy i kompleksnykh peremennykh [Journal of Elliptic equations and Complex Variables], 2010. (In Russ.)
- Shamoyan R., Arsenovic M. On distance estimates and atomic decompositions in spaces of analytic functions on stricty pseudoconvex domains // Bulletin Korean Math. Society, 2015.
- Bekolle D., Kagou A. T. Reproducing properties and Lp estimates for Bergman projections in Siegel domains of second type // Studia Math. 1995. vol. 115. no 3.
- Bekolle D., Bonami A., Garrigos G., Ricci F., Sehba B. Analytic Besov spaces and symmetric cones // Jour. Fur seine and ang. 2010. no. 647. pp. 25-56.
- Yamaji S. Some properties of Bergman kernel in minimal bounded homogeneous domain // Arxiv, 2013.
- Yamaji S. Essential norm estimates for positive Toeplitz operators on the weighted Bergman space // Arxiv, 2013.
- Bekolle D., Kagou A. Molecular decomposition and interpolation // Int. Equat. Oper. Theory. 1998. vol. 31. no. 2. pp. 150-177.
- Bonami A., Bekolle D., Garrigos G. Lecture notes on Bergman projections in tube domains over symmetric cones // Yaonde Proc. Int. Workshop. 2001. 75 p.
- Kagou A. Temgoua Domaines de Siegel de type II noyau de Bergman // These de 3 cycle, Yaonde, 1995.
- Gheorghi L. G. Interpolation of Besov spaces and applications // Le Mathematiche. 2000. vol. LV. no. 1. pp. 29-42.
- Zhu K. Spaces of holomorphic functions in the ball. N-Y: Springer, 2005.
- Rochberg R. Decomposition theorems for Bergman spaces and applications // Operator theory and function theory. 1985. pp. 225-277.
- Krantz S., Li S.-Y. On decomposition theorems for Hardy spaces in domains in Cn and applications // Journal of Fourier analysis and applications, 1995.
- Shamoyan F. O teoremakh vlozheniya i sledakh Hp prostranstv Khardi na diagonali [On embedding theorems and traces of Hp Hardy spaces on diagonal] // Matematika Sbornik [Math. Sbornik]. 1978. (In Russ.)
- Shamoyan F., Djrbashian A. Temy teorii prostranstv Apa [Topics in the theory of Apa spaces] // Teubner Texte zur Math., Leipzig, 1988.
- Mengotti G. The Bloch space for minimall ball // Studia Math. 2001. vol. 148. no. 2. pp. 131-142.
Для цитирования: Shamoyan R. F On decomposition theorems of multifunctional Bergman type spaces in some domains in Cn // Вестник КРАУНЦ. Физ.-мат. науки. 2019. Т. 26. № 1. C. 28-45. DOI: 10.26117/2079-6641-2019-26-1-28-45
For citation: Shamoyan R. F On decomposition theorems of multifunctional Bergman type spaces in some domains in Cn, Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-mat. nauki. 2019, 26: 1, 28-45. DOI: 10.26117/2079-6641-2019-26-1-28-45
Поступила в редакцию / Original article submitted: 29.10.2018
Шамоян Роми Файзович – кандидат физико-математических наук, старший научный сотрудник кафедры математического анализа, Брянский государственный университет имени академика И. Г. Петровского, Брянск, Россия.
Shamoyan Romi Fayzovich – Ph.D. (Phys. & Math.), Senior Researcher, Department of Mathematical Analysis, Bryansk State University named after Academician I. G. Petrovsky, Bryansk, Russia.
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