Vestnik КRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. nauki. 2023. vol. 43. no. 2. P. 111-125. ISSN 2079-6641

Research Article
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MSC 35Q35

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Two Types of Waves in a Two-Layer Stratified Fluid

A. I. Rudenko^\ast

Department of applied mathematics and information technology, Kaliningrad State Technical University, 236022, Kaliningrad, Sovetsky prospect 1, Russia

Abstract. Within the framework of the linear theory of small potential oscillations the article studies the structure and characteristics of internal and surface waves in a two-layer stably stratified fluid. Dispersion relations have been obtained and analyzed. The Boussinesq approximation has been studied. We have determined the existence of two types of waves: a fast wave and a slow wave. The fast wave differs little from a surface wave in a homogeneous fluid. The main results of studying the case of n = 1 are as follows: obtaining expressions for fluid particles velocity components and hydrodynamic pressure in the upper layer of the considered two-layer fluid, as well as obtaining relations, which connect the oscillation amplitudes of the free surface and the interface of the considered two-layer fluid. The main results of studying the case of n = 2 are as follows: obtaining expressions for fluid particles velocity components and hydrodynamic pressure in the lower layer of the considered two-layer fluid, as well as obtaining dispersion relations in the considered two-layer fluid. In the case of implementing the Boussinesq approximation, the fast wave differs little from a surface wave in a homogeneous fluid, andthe velocity of slow waves is proportional to the square root of the squared ratio \dfrac{\Delta\rho}{\rho}, i.e. it is very small.

Key words: two-layer liquid, Boussinesq approximation, dispersion relation, potential oscillations

Received: 11.04.2023; Revised: 08.06.2023; Accepted: 10.06.2023; First online: 30.06.2023

For citation. Rudenko A. I. Two types of waves in a two-layer stratified fluid. Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-mat. nauki.
2023, 43: 2, 87-110. EDN: YGKXHT.

Funding. The work was carried out without the support of funds.

Competing interests. There are no conflicts of interest regarding authorship and publication.

Contribution and Responsibility. The author participated in the writing of the article and is fully responsible for
submitting the final version of the article to the press.

^\astCorrespondence: E-mail:

The content is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

© Rudenko A. I., 2023

© Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Radio Wave Propagation, 2023 (original layout, design, compilation)


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Information about author

Rudenko Aleksey Ivanovich – Ph.D. (Phys. & Math.), Associate Professor, Dep. of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology, Kaliningrad State Technical University, Kaliningrad, Russia ORCID 0000-0002-5666-9841.