2024. vol. 48. no. 3

Download issue Bulletin KRASEC. Physical and Mathematical Sciences. 2024. vol. 48. no. 3. 124 p.

Message from the Editorial Board5
Arzikulov Z. O. Boundary value problems for the three-dimensional Helmholtz equation in the unbounded octant, square and half space7
Balkizov Zh. A. The first boundary value problem for a model equation of parabolic-hyperbolic type of the third order20
Ruziev M. Kh., Zunnunov R. T., Yuldasheva N. T., Rakhimova G. B. Bitsadze-Samarskii type problem for the diffusion equation and degenerate hyperbolic equation 33
Eneeva L. M. Cauchy problem for fractional order equation with involution 43
Alimova N. B. Mathematical modeling of the neuron autocoling in the cell membrane using the fractional model of FitzHugh-Nagumo with the function of irritant intensity 56
Kazakov E. A., Vodinchar G. M.. Stochastic two-mode hereditary model of a cosmic dynamo 70
Israyiljanova G. S., Karimov Sh. T., Parovik R. I. Mathematical fractional Zeeman model for describing cardiac contractions 83
Tverdyi D. A., Makarov E. O., Parovik R. I. Identification of parameters of the mathematical α-model of radon transport in the accumulation chamber based on data from the Karymshina site in Kamchatka95
85 years of Professor M.M. Aripov 120
55 years to the Director of IAMA KBSC RAS A.V. Pskhu 123