2023. vol. 43. no. 2

Message from the Editorial Board7
Alimov A. A., Rakhmonov Z. R. Global and blow-up solutions for a nonlinear diffusion system with a source and nonlinear boundary conditions9
Barotov D. N., Barotov R. N. Applicability of genetic algorithms for determining the weighting coefficients of an artificial neural network with one hidden layer20
Shcherban’ V. L. On the possibility of placing two system blocks and two computational formulas in space31
Kirillov V.S. Binary coding of hierarchical structures 44
Ryazantsev A.E. Development of a prototype robot-manipulator with a sorting function: the experience of Vitus Bering Kamchatka State University coding hierarchical structures 55
Smorodinov A. D., Gavrilenko T. V., Galkin V. A. Applicability of genetic algorithms for determining the weighting coefficients of an artificial neural network with one hidden layer69
Tverdyi D. A., Parovik R. I., Hayotov A. R., Boltaev A. K. Parallelization of a numerical algorithm for solving the Cauchy problem for a nonlinear differential equation of fractional variable order using OpenMP technology87
Rudenko A. I. Two types of waves in a two-layer stratified fluid111
Mahoshev A. A., Gavrina O. A., Klyuev R. V. Reactive power compensation in thermal ore production 126
Malkin E. I., Cherneva V. I., Makhlai D. O., Cherneva N. V., Akbashev R. R., Sannikov D. V. Remote methods for observations of Shiveluch and Bezymianny volcano eruptions 141
70 years of Professor H.M. Shadimetov166