2022. vol. 41. no. 4

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Message from the Editorial Board. 7
Vodinchar G. M., Feshchenko L. K., Podlesnyi N. V. Construction of complex shell models of turbulent systems by computer algebra methods. 9
Gapeev M. I. Estimating the increased deformations areas that occur during the preparation of Kamchatka earthquakes. 32
Tverdyi D. A., Parovik R. I. Mathematical modeling in MATLAB of solar activity cycles according to the growth-decline of the Wolf number. 47
Tverdyi D. A., Malkin E. I., Parovik R. I. Mathematical modeling of the propagation of a plane electromagnetic wave in a strip waveguide with inhomogeneous boundary conductivity. 65
Fetisova N. V., Mandrikova O. V. Modeling and analysis of ionospheric parameters based on generalized multicomponent model. 88
Sheremetyeva O. V. Dynamics of generation modes changes in magnetic field depending on the oscillation frequency of the \alpha-effect suppression process by field energy in the αΩ-dynamo model. 106
Lukovenkova O. O., Mishchenko M. A., Senkevich Yu. I., Shcherbina A. O. Modern methods of processing and analysis of geophysical pulse signals.119
Mandrikova O. V., Polozov Y. A. Modeling and analysis of foF2 data using NARX neural networks and wavelets 136
Parovik R. I. Investigation of the Selkov fractional dynamical system. 146
Bogdanov V. V., Pavlov A. V. Evaluation of the effectiveness of earthquake prediction in the Kamchatka region based on the complex of ionospheric anomalies. 167
Malkin E. I., Kazakov E. A., Sannikov D. V., Cherneva N. V., Marchenko L. S., Drugin G. I. Statistical relationship between whistlers and sprites according to AWDANET and WWLLN data. 178
Shevtsov B. M., Perezhogin A. N., Seredkin I. N. Optical characteristics of the thermosphere and mesosphere. 191
Khomutov S. Y. Magnetic measurements at observatories of IKIR FEB RAS: from the present to the future. 209
A series of scientific seminars dedicated to the anniversaries of IKIR FEB RAS. 225